2022 Indigenous Summer Tour

Apr 3, 2024 | Press Release

Manitoba Arts Network Announces fifteen rural concerts this July and August featuring 5 Indigenous Artists

WINNIPEG – June 22, 2022


To continue our goal of providing diverse programming for rural Manitoba communities, Manitoba Arts Network (MAN) is thrilled to announce that we have received funding from Canada Council for the Arts over the next three years to bring diverse, inclusive, and accessible live events to Indigenous and member communities each year. This tour is also supported by Manitoba Hydro who will help us strengthen our relationships with Indigenous peoples throughout Manitoba.

For the month of July & August, 10 Indigenous and 5 settler communities will host Indigenous musicians, culminating in Northern and Southern tours. The Southern Tour occurs July 24-31, while the Northern tour is scheduled for August 9-18.

This year’s feature artist is Jerry Sereda, a Canadian country musician of Métis descent originally from Ethelbert, Manitoba. Currently residing in Alberta, MAN is pleased to be bringing him back to Manitoba for this summer tour:

According to MAN Executive Director Rose-Anne Harder, This tour also provides further opportunities for Indigenous artists beginning to establish their music careers to gain touring experience. Indigenous artist alumni from MAN’s RBC Touring and Showcase Program Sherri Shorting, Mitchell Makoons, Ivy Venin, and Kris Paul will be performing and receiving mentorship from Jerry Sereda as part of the program.

Artists Mitchel Makoons, Ivy Venin, Sherri Shorting, and Kris Paul will be touring with and receiving mentorship from Jerry Sereda.

Jerry Sereda will also be offering each community a Music Masterclass at 5pm before each concert. The masterclass will depend on the needs of the participants and will range from songwriting, music production, intro to guitar playing, to learning how to get started in the music industry.

Confirmed Touring Dates & Communities Include:

Southern Tour

July 24 – Long Plain First Nation
July 26 – Fisher River Cree Nation
July 27 – Birdtail Sioux First Nation
July 28 – International Peace Garden
July 30 – Killarney Turtle Mountain Arts Council, Killarney
July 31 – Roseau River Anishinabe First Nation

Northern Tour

August 9 – Sapotaweyak Cree Nation
August 10 – Wuskwi Sipihk First Nation
August 11 – Misipawistik Cree Nation, Grand Rapids
August 12 – Norway House Cree Nation
August 16 – Chemawawin Cree Nation
August 17 – Opaskwayak Cree Nation – Aseneskak Casino
August 18 – Arts Mosaic, Virden

More information about artists and tour dates can be found at MAN’s website (https://manitobaartsnetwork.ca/manitoba-arts-network/indigenous-summer-tour/) or on our Facebook or Instagram pages.

Artists Available to Interview:

These artists have expressed interest in answering any of your questions pertaining to their Indigenous Summer Tour involvement. You can reach them at the contacts below.

Rhonda Head

E: indigenousprogram@mbartsnet.ca

Jerry Sereda

E: jerrysereda@gmail.com

I’m super excited for a chance to get back to Manitoba and perform my new material for the friends, fans and family that helped get my career started. I know the energy and excitement is going to be there, and I’m looking forward to putting on a high energy show, with some of my old as well as my new music that people have loved and supported since the beginning. The passion, and love of music runs deep in Manitoba, and it’s always been my favorite place to play, and connect with people. Whether it’s the hot summer festivals, or the cold winter venues, Manitoba has always been one to take advantage of the situation and enjoy a great night out with strangers, friends, and loved ones and sing, and dance the night away.

To be able to go out to see Manitoba in their hometowns is not only something I’m super excited for, but it’s something that I know I’ll remember forever. Hopefully my show will give that to people as well. So to the Manitoba Arts Network, and the Manitoba Communities bringing me in; See you soon!

Thank you, Merci, and Miigwetch!

Jerry Sereda

“I am thrilled to be a part of this tour. I can’t wait to learn from Jerry and meet new folks in the North!”

Mitchell Makoons

“Getting asked to hop on board for this tour was exciting news. Not only is it my first tour but it also comes at a time in my career where I need to grow as an artist. I never had the chance to widely showcase my recent singles with the climate of the last couple years. This gives me the opportunity to do just that and maybe even test out the waters with some new material!

It’s an honour to be playing alongside Jerry Sereda as well. I’m looking forward to picking his brain as he’s been around the industry and has seen a lot of success. Another massive highlight will be seeing more of our beautiful province and other communities. I’m truly fortunate and grateful for this opportunity.”

Kris Paul

“I can’t even tell you how happy, and excited I am to be given this opportunity to go on tour. I’ve never toured before, so the fact that Jerry Sereda will be mentoring us as we go, is awesome. I’m so grateful for this experience to learn and grow as a musician. And I’m looking forward to visiting all these places in Manitoba that I’ve heard of, but never been to. Thank you so much to Manitoba Arts Network for all of this!”

Ivy Venin

Media contact:

Rose-Anne Harder
Director, Manitoba Arts Network

E: director@mbartsnet.ca

Sarah Brereton
Program Coordinator,
Manitoba Arts Network

E: admin@mbartsnet.ca
T: (204) 943-0036