Professional Development Sessions

Attending these professional development sessions will help you explore and improve community connections both within and outside the arts, foster unique collaborations, and inspire innovative ideas.  Your takeaways will ultimately enhance the collective growth of the arts community,  to allow you to grow your programming, organizational capacity and increase your community impact.

Don’t wait. Reserve your spot today.


SESSION 1: Cultivating New Audiences Through Relationships


Facilitated by: Trudy Schroeder, former CEO of the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra and the Winnipeg Folk Festival.

Panelists: Brandon Friendship Centre, Immigration Partnership Winnipeg, Arts Accessibility Network of Manitoba, Prairie Hope High School, and Arts Forward, Neepawa.

Developing new audiences is a challenge. Who do we target? How do we reach them? How do we program to create interest from diverse populations? This workshop will explore how we can build and increase our audiences through community connections, identifying relevant programming, and understanding the passions of our communities and regions.


SESSION 2: Palette to Palate: The Intersection of Food, Beverage and Artistic Expression

Friday, October 25 from 12:30 pm to 2:00 pm

Presented by: The Northern Arts and Food Project, a Collaboration between Creative Manitoba and Food and Beverage Manitoba.

How do we create memorable and engaging experiences for our audiences?  Bringing back and expanding our audiences means recognizing that people are now looking for an immersive experience that connects them to the art, culture and community.  This workshop will explore how we can create an experiential event through the use of food.  Presenters will talk about case studies where arts events have successfully integrated food and beverage into the encounter, resulting in remarkable experiences.


SESSION 3: Developing Meaningful Engagement with Business

Friday, October 25 from 2:15 pm to 3:30 pm

Facilitated by: Trudy Schroeder, former CEO of the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra and the Winnipeg Folk Festival.

Panelists: Section 6 Brewing, Manitoba Hotel Association, Business Council of Manitoba, Westman Communications, and D & B Sprinklers.

How do we change our business and corporate engagement strategies to move from sponsorship to partnership? How do we speak their language? Why does a business buy into the arts while others pass? What do they see as the compelling pitch? This panel will explore how the arts can create a business case that benefits both the arts and business.


SESSION 4: Contact to Contract: Understanding Each Other

Friday, October 25 from 2:15 pm to 3:30 pm

Who doesn’t love a good role play? Join us for an exploration of the Agent-Presenter-Artist-Manager relationship. Our panel will dive into scenarios where players must collaborate on tour strategies, negotiations, contracts, riders, advancing, performance, and settlements.

What prompts a quick response from an agent, manager, or presenter? What information do players look for in an inquiry about an artist? What’s essential to include in an offer, and what should be avoided? As the panel discusses the process, the moderator will introduce various scenarios, highlighting the bumps in the road.

Come join our ‘players’ as we delve into the diverse realities of touring and presenting. Presenters might take on the role of the artist, or managers might step into the artist’s shoes, shedding light on the complexities and challenges of booking a show. It’s an opportunity to gain insight into both the individual and shared challenges of bringing art to life.

Facilitated by: Josh Marantz

Panelists: Rich Hamon, EMCA Concerts, Pinawa (Presenter); Artist Keri Latimer: Leaf Rapids; Agent/Manager TBC


SESSION 5: Strengthening Your Ecosystem: Connecting Across Sectors

Saturday, October 26 from 9:15 am to 10:45 am

Facilitated by: Trudy Schroeder, former CEO of the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra and the Winnipeg Folk Festival.

Panelists: Rural Development Institute (RDI); Community Futures Westman; Community Development Branch, Municipal Affairs; Rural MB Economic Development; Brandon First.

Traditional operational approaches in the arts ecosystem have, for the most part, remained unchanged over the past couple of decades. Arts organizations are beginning to recognize the need for significant organizational transformation to adapt to new community demographics and conditions. In order to increase connectivity, capacity building, and audience development, the arts needs to build community partnerships and collaborations with other sectors.

This panel discussion will help kick-start this process for arts organizations and presenters. Panelists will discuss best practices for creating partnerships and collaborations with community stakeholders where the arts is a significant leader and participant. The panel will explore examples of community and economic development, tourism, business models and social enterprise.


Ask the Experts Sessions

Convening Conversations: Sparking Ideas.

Gain insights from industry leaders, mentors & experts

Book a 20-minute time slot with an expert:

Attending Ask an Expert meetings can be a valuable investment of time and effort for anyone looking to expand their knowledge, seek guidance, or make meaningful connections in the arts and culture ecosystem. It’s an opportunity to engage with experts who can provide valuable insights and potentially have a significant impact on your professional or your organization’s journey.

Participants will sign up in advance for 20-minute long one-on-one conversations with a listed expert. There will be 3 rounds, so each expert can have 3 different 20-minute conversations with different people. We will ask participants to come prepared with questions. A group of people from the same organization can all attend the one on one session

Sessions are 20 minutes with each expert.

Scheduled Times:

7:30PM – 8:30PM – Friday, October 25
3:30PM – 4:30PM – Saturday, October 26

Pre-registration required → registration available in September

Sign-up will be offered on a first-come, first-served basis.



Registration & Payment Support

Manitoba Arts Network

Are you new to Showcase and unsure of what to expect? Wondering, “What’s in it for me?”

Jane Ireland
2024 Showcase Ambassador

We look forward to seeing you at Showcase 2024!

Please note: The 2024 Showcase brochure will be uploaded in Aug – Sep 2024.

Make sure to share your experience during the Conference using the hashtag #MBSHOWCASE24

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