Resources and Links

The Manitoba Arts Network offers a variety of resources for artists and presenters that can help them become more effective at what they do. Included in this list are grant resources, articles about arts in Canada, and resources to encourage growth as either an artist or an organization.

General Resources:
ACI Manitoba’s Resources and Toolkits page

How To Guides to Starting an Arts Council:
– Arts Council Development Handbook
– CNCC Toolkits

Starting Community Arts Projects:
Framing Community: A Community Engaged Art Workbork
– DIY Creative Placmaking & the Creative Placemaking Toolbox

Arts-based Community Development:
– Presentation by William Cleveland
– Ontario Arts Council Community Arts Workbook

Event Planning:
 ACI Manitoba Event Planning Guide

Conferences & Webinars:
– Culture Days National Congress 2015

– Ontario Presents: Digital Marketing Webinar Series
– Making Sense of Audience Engagement: Volume I
– 2017 Nonprofit Communications Trends Report

Tariff and Presenting Information:
– Background on Sound Tariffs

Grant & Funding Information:
Government of Manitoba Arts Grants
– List of Manitoba Community Foundations
– The Canada Council for the Arts Grant Application Deadline Calendar
– The Manitoba Arts Council Grant Deadline Calendar
– Province of Manitoba Culture, Heritage and Tourism Grant Programs
– Canadian Heritage Funding Opportunities
– OAC Grant Application Survival Guide
– Center for Non-Profit Excellence Grant Writing Toolkit

​Studies, Statistics, & Articles:
– Arts Vote Toolkit (Canadian Arts Coalition)
CAPACOA Performing Arts Statistics
– Statistics Canada 2014: Cultural Satellite Account 2010 – How Culture Contributes to the Economy
– Hill Strategies’ report on The Arts and Individual Well-Being in Canada
–  The Value of Presenting
– CAPACOA Performing Arts Benefit Survey Analysis
– “The economic imperative for investing in arts and culture”