Manitoba Showcase Frequently Asked Questions

We have put together some answers to the most frequently asked questions about Manitoba Showcase for you.

How Do I Register?

Click here and complete the registration form, then pay by either cheque, e-transfer, or credit card.

How many artists will be showcased?

11 showcasing, and 6 emerging over two days.

When Do I Need to Book My Hotel Room By?
We have our room rate reserved until September 27th. After that, the rate increases to their regular pricing.
How Do I Cancel My MB Showcase Registration?

You can cancel your showcase registration up to two weeks prior by emailing

Are There Professional Development Sessions for Artists?

Many sessions are open to artists and we recommend attending as many as possible to connect with presenters and develop relationships.

You can learn more about the workshops HERE.

Do I Need to Pre-Register for the Professional Development or Sessions?

For most sessions, pre-registration is not required.

Only the Ask the Expert sessions require pre-registration due to limited capacities:

  • Ask the Expert sessions – information will be sent out in October.
Can I Request a Gluten Free Meal or Vegetarian Option?
Yes. In your registration form, you can include dietary restrictions such as gluten-free, vegetarian, or food allergies.
What Meals Are Provided as Part of Showcase?
Four meals are included in the delegate passes: Friday Lunch and Supper, Saturday Lunch and Supper. Meals are not included in the Showcase artist passes. Showcase artists can pick and choose and pay for any meals they wish to attend (we will send out registration info in October).
Are the Venues Accessible?
The Mennonite Heritage Museum is the primary location for the Manitoba Showcase workshops. The workshops take place on the main floor in the Auditorium, or in the Pavilion, which is located in a separate building beside the Auditorium and will also host the 3 meals. The Steinbach Regional Secondary School is the Showcase venue. The Steinbach Arts Council building will host the exhibitions, and late-night networking. All are wheelchair accessible through the buildings’ main entrances.
When Are the Emerging Artists Performing?
Two emerging artists perform first at each Showcase, followed by performances by 4 Professional artists.
What Is the Lightning Round Pitch Networking Session?
This replaces our former pitch session and provides a fun networking activity where presenters, agents and artists learn more about each other and the realities that each industry player faces.

This networking event aims to foster quick and meaningful connections among attendees, facilitating efficient relationship-building. It provides an opportunity for participants to interact with each other, enabling them to identify individuals they would like to engage with and have focused discussions on specific topics for the duration of the conference.

How Are Artists Selected?
MAN convenes a jury of 5, composed of MAN member presenters, an Indigenous artist, and a board member. We try to achieve equity, diversity, and inclusion in the jury composition.
Where Do I Pick Up My Delegate Badge?
Your delegate badge will be located in your hotel room when you arrive. There you can pick up your delegate badge needed to access the meals and events along with the event program.
Can I Bring My Spouse or Partner?
You certainly can. If you would like them to attend any events or meals, you will need to register them and pay the full delegate price.
Where Do I Find Out What’s Going on When and Where?
A detailed schedule is available on our website HERE. A schedule will also be available in our program.
Will There Be a Conference App This Year?

No, we will not have a conference app this year. Our mobile app provider closed their business due to COVID, and we are looking for a new provider for 2024.

Our MB Showcase website pages will be mobile-friendly, and we will change our home page to have quick links to the Showcase schedule and Artist information.

How to I Get to Steinbach From the Winnipeg Airport?
The easiest way to Portage from Winnipeg is by car, a 1 hour drive. Once there, it is only a 5 minute drive between the hotel and Showcase venue.
Where Do I Stay?

All travel and accommodation costs are the responsibility of the delegate or performers. A list of recommended hotels is on the website.

How Do the Showcase Performances Work?
  • Each professional performer has 15 minutes to perform, followed up with a 5 minute interview with our Emcee on stage immediately following the performance.
  • RBC Touring and Showcase program participants get to play 3 songs (10 minutes).
How Many Tables Will Be in the Contact Room?
  • There will be 1 table each for the Showcase artists, plus 3 tables for the 6 emerging artists.
  • We may allow other arts organizations to purchase a table that wish to connect with our delegates, provided space is available.
Are There Other Showcase Events/Conferences Across Canada?

Manitoba Arts works closely with other Canadian Showcase events to support and nurture the touring sector across Canada. These include:

If you are looking for further information or need personal assistance, our staff will be pleased to help. If you have any questions/issues, do not hesitate to reach us at or call Toll Free: 1.866.919.2787.